The like/dislike button has nothing to do with feelings. It is a mechanical function to allow spells and other hostile actions to occur between PC's when by default they do not.
It is not a declaration that PvP is about to ensue. It is not a 'permission granted to PvP' button. It is not a 'request to PvP' button.
It has absolutely nothing to do with liking the person behind the character, or even if your PC or you actually like the character. You could be best friends in real life, and have a history of fond feelings between the PC's.
But if for some reason you wish to be prepared to engage in combat you should toggle the other character to dislike. Please be certain to read the PvP rules here: situations where a character may choose to set another to dislike without primarily intending it to be an OOC warning that PvP is a possibility:
1) A wizard or sorcerer 'practicing' a new spell which is AoE or targettable.
2) A barbarian who goes into full on RAGE!
3) A dominated character.
4) One who intends non-violent confrontation, but allows for the possibility of escallation.
5) Anyone in a tournament.
This list is not exhaustive, as anyone with a few minutes to spare could add to it many circumstances which may require resetting the like/dislike toggle.
One should also not read more into the function than given: it is not supposed to be anything other than an OOC mechanic, and to use such information in game is one form of metagame. I absolutely will not tolerate having, "Well, he set me to hostile so I hit him," as an excuse for PvP.