Post by EDM Entori on Feb 6, 2010 0:22:28 GMT -5
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ok so this is a constructive thread.
Over the last year and a half, several mages have gotten some of the epic spells. Before this time I have seen very little use, of the epic spells here. mostly due to a lower level community, and it seems it is becoming that way again however.
I was doing some Reading in the epic level handbook and something caught my eye.
" Does it LOOK cool" ... the further caption went on to describe how spells are Forged individually.
I think this is a good point even though our dynamics are the same. I know I try to RP mine consistently (sometimes with more flare, other times with less).
Anyways So far I've gotten a bunch of Magical questions together cause my brain hurts from PDF's.
1. Epic spells can be customized in DnD, and each one is unique, can someone explain theses rules to me?
2. is there anything to stop a wizard/ sorcerer in our current setting from trying to think outside the box and RP developing his own magic? is there any guidelines for making spells?
Post by EDM Neo on Feb 6, 2010 0:45:09 GMT -5
Have a look at www.d20srd.org/indexes/epicSpells.htmBasically, when designing an epic spell, you pick and choose spell effects, and (in theory) the more powerful the effect, the higher it will set the spell's spellcraft DC (which you need to successfully match or exceed to cast the spell). There are also negative effects, called mitigating effects: adding these decreases the spell's spellcraft DC. For example, increasing the spell's duration by 100% increases the DC by +2. Adding an additional target within 300 feet increases the DC by +10. Increasing the casting time by one minute decreases the DC by -2. Adding additional casters can decrease the DC. Etc, etc.
Post by EDM Entori on Feb 6, 2010 0:59:35 GMT -5
yeah I have just spent the last hour designing some spells just for fun but whatever.
Post by EDM Entori on Feb 6, 2010 11:38:14 GMT -5
is there anything in existant for non-epic spells?
Post by Vortex on Feb 10, 2010 2:11:10 GMT -5
Mmmm... epic spells.
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Evil Wizard
Posts: 24
Post by Samej on Mar 30, 2010 20:42:21 GMT -5
I realize I am kind of necro'ing this thread, but before Mystyrl died and Karsus screwed over the Empire of Netheril there was no such thing as Epic Level Spells. Back in the day, spells did not stop at level 9, they kept going, and *supposedly* level 10 and up spells surpassed the "Epic" spells of today.
An example of what I mean is the spell Karsus screwed over Toril with in the first place: Avatar (Taken verbatim from yet another of my PDF's)
Karsus' Avatar (Evocation, Enchantment, Charm, Alteration) Level: 12 Range: Unlimited Duration: Instantaneous Area of Effect: One God Field: Mentalism Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 6 Hours Saving Throw: Special
Karsus spent well over a decade researching this spell. It was so complex that he had to use a stone-filled gizzard of a gold dragon and part of the epidermis of the pituitary gland of the Tarrasque just to enchant one of the material components of the spell. This spell allowed the caster to become a god of his choosing, replacing a current god with himself the moment the spell was completed. Whether the gods received a saving throw, were aware of its casting, and other factors were unknown. The notes regarding the spell’s essence were nowhere to be found. It’s believed Mystra, the reincarnated form of Mystryl, snatched the spell information from the ruins of Karsus’s enclave and sent it on an eternal journey to the ends of the universe.
And another:
Proctiv's Move Mountain (Alteration) Level: 10 Range: Sight Duration: Permanent Area of Effect: Mountain Field: Variation Components: V, M Casting Time: 2 Hours Saving Throw: None
This spell was vital in the construction of enclaves. Without this spell, there was no simple way for severed mountains to be turned over and set afloat above the landscape. When this spell was cast, the Archwizard simply viewed the mountain he wanted to affect and the mountain was severed from the earth, leaving a flat mesa behind. The mountain was then turned over so the flat side was up, and the move mountain spell allowed this new structure to levitate. Once this was accomplished, the archwizard could begin constructing a city upon its smooth surface. The material components for this spell were a mythallar (which needed to be placed in the new city within 2 weeks), a magical device that allowed flying or levitation, and a crystal ball.
In Conclusion, back in the days of Netheril, Magic was omg so awesome.
Then one human let ambition run too far, and in his hubris he ruined the fun for everyone.
So you could look at Epic Spells as Mystra throwing Arcane casters something to bide their time with.