A collection of traits for the interested:
Artificial: Uggams usually puts a significant amount of thought into his words and actions. From someone else this may seem 'deliberate', yet with Uggams this tends to be harmed by a lack of self-confidence. He will frequently hesitate to execute a very risky plan, and his speech is characterized by a strong dependence on filler words, long pauses, or even stumbling over himself owed to second-guessing what he's saying. Laughter and smiles from him are almost always forced. The precise way he thinks and feels may thus be buried, much of the time.
Humble: More than an exercise in virtue, Uggams seems to compulsively deflect and downplay any credit for his actions, and insist he's less than most adventurers around himself. No matter how great the disparity between his abilities and his words, this kind of mindset is firmly ingrained into him.
Grounded: Having been something of a 'nameless commoner' until very recently, Uggams claims to consider himself to still be an 'ordinary person'. Regardless of how accurate that may be, he tries to approach most situations from that mindset, with the perspective and livelihood of 'ordinary people' in mind.
Patriotic: Like many Cormytes, Uggams has a strong sense of love and loyalty to 'The Crown'. If a situation is serious enough, his first instinct is frequently to appeal to, and cooperate with, the proper authorities of Cormyr.
Idealistic: Bordering naivete, Uggams has a strong sense of what he thinks is right. He has occasionally been known to treat 'heroes' that disappoint him more harshly than he would to unabashed mercenaries or villains.
Inquisitive: The trait in which Uggams most resembles other lightfoot halflings. He is prone to wanting to solve any mysteries around him and to learn of the world and new experiences whenever possible.
Some 'quirks':
-Uses the shortbow. He claims that he doesn't have the strength or stamina to make use of throwing the way other hin would.
-Likes explosives. They're just fun.
-Is profoundly affected by 'adrenaline', or something like it; he tends to become more spontaneous, feeling the need to fight and act much quicker than usual.
-Single, and seemingly not bothered by that fact.
-Does seem to have less stamina than many adventurers around him.
-Eats frequently, both in reaction to stress or as a means to 'preserve his energy'. Might explain some things.
-Worships the full pantheon of hin gods, trying to keep a balance between them.
For those strange sorts who might look into his background:
The more gossipy hin in Shallybrook may share that they know a very different Uggams than the one in Cormyr today. An introverted, unambitious, worthless layabout who has lived off the generosity of his sister's husband for a decade. Little to no social life to speak of, lacking convictions, seemingly having no skills to offer and no will to learn some. Learning of what he's been up to in recent days may offer quite a sense of whiplash to many in his hometown.