Post by hellscream123 on Jun 30, 2017 20:44:57 GMT -5
A gentle hand rests on Myst's shoulder as Arician greets him "What do you seek my friend?"
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jun 30, 2017 21:09:39 GMT -5
*he jumps slightly at the touch then turns relaxing seeing Arician* I must speak with you.. I'm having those urges again and it's becoming uncontrollable..
Post by hellscream123 on Jun 30, 2017 21:40:40 GMT -5
Arician nods and sighs as he tidies up the library some. "A wound is not healed by putting on new bindings and wraps my friend. You shall soon have to learn to live without this craving of yours."
He nods inspecting a reordered bookshelf "Perhaps you could seek another to aid in this? Have you practised the works i gave you? Or saught Henrik or a Selunite for guidence on your mind"
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jun 30, 2017 22:25:34 GMT -5
*sighs* I know eh.. And it's not really easy to just.. Stop the craving Arician. I've not talked to Henrik of it yet.. Don't believe he'd understand me as much as you.. Eh mind wise..*was reading and reordering the shelf*
Post by hellscream123 on Jun 30, 2017 23:07:13 GMT -5
He nods and exhales speaking in warm tones
"I only understand so much my friend, and even then from experience more than Empathy. It is not a matter of not craving, it is a better of never bowing to it. Like a willing hand over candle flame to draw ones hand away requires choice. However unlike the candle, you must choose to keep your hand out of it's fire. Lest you burn in the same roads of the past"
He smiles as he looks over a half finished scroll left by errant students
"How fares your exercises otherwise?"
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jun 30, 2017 23:51:48 GMT -5
*eyes him as he speaks sighing and grumbling* Alright fine.. but i dont think you fully understand what im saying though.. and my exercises.. are.. doing okay *exhales* still feel rather slowed.. may need to do more eh..
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 1, 2017 0:27:19 GMT -5
"As always i can only fathom as much as is said. You crave violence still, that old thirst to meet slight with a clenched fist and dark power. To fight this craving will be you eternal burden my friend. As we all have our burdens to bear"
He rests into a chair stretching his fingers "Even in our sparring Mystogan you are giving unto this craving, a safe means indeed yet the issue remains that you are trying to slate a thirst that will never leave your tongue"
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 1, 2017 0:41:01 GMT -5
*seems to be sitting on the floor as he cracks his neck* burdens huh.. it is true that this is a possible craving eh. Find our sparring a brief way to stop that though.. *eyes him* wouldn't you say its good hm? Violence has always been part.. you know this *opens up one of the books glancing to the page* got to say rather peaceful here..
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 1, 2017 2:09:59 GMT -5
"There is rarity in a place so little tread. That is where it's peace is born. But any violence my friend, even friendly betwix us feeds that inner need of yours and keeps it gnawing at you. Soon, you must deny it feeding and your last struggle will begin" He dusts some of the older tomes down with a kercheif as he speaks.
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 1, 2017 8:22:01 GMT -5
*sighs* but it helps Arician,... everyone does friendly spars and yet even those of blood-lust aren't craving by the end of it.. how is that so? And what is my last struggle eh? *eyes up to him in the chair*
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 1, 2017 17:22:08 GMT -5
"He who refuses to drink from the cup of his worst desires will find enlightenment on the moutain of inner peace."
Smiles and shrugs "Old speak mayhap but truth enough, if you can defeat this wanting. You will have what you saught when you first met with me"
"Still need a brawl?" He asks packing and lighting his pipe with a puff
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 1, 2017 20:51:17 GMT -5
hmm.. *eyes him carefully* that is an interesting phrase yes and I agree with it somewhat.. its not as so easy to defeat though, you of all should know that. and when i first met you,.. I believe things were worse if i recall?
*makes a face* course i still need a brawl, it at least.. keeps it at bay for now.. *takes a rolled paper from his hood and lights it with his finger*
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 1, 2017 21:37:21 GMT -5
Slowly he nods as he stands and stretches. "Alright then. But no magic, you need the exercise" He speaks evenly as ever pipe puffing between words
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 2, 2017 9:07:59 GMT -5
... *blinks eyeing up to him as he stands* no magic? Im a mage, magic is what I do. How do you plan to exercise me then?
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 2, 2017 17:10:51 GMT -5
"A wizard with a useless body means nothing, im going to train the rest of you of course" He said chuckling away as pleasent smoke wafts from his pipe
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 2, 2017 20:55:37 GMT -5
... Bah fine if you say..* still eyes him lighting the rolled paper* I'm not physically fit tho eh..
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 2, 2017 21:37:34 GMT -5
"Hence why it is all the more important to become so. An able body makes for a safe mind. The infirm quickly become trapped in their own selves as they are without escape to the outside"
He stetched and rolls his arms as he summons up a pair of training swords and passes one behind him to Mystogan.
"What's more an arcanist who can swing a blade has more that one whom cannot, and in our lives of constant peril. Any advantage is advantage still"
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 3, 2017 6:55:00 GMT -5
*blinks taking the sword from Arician* Able body eh.. hrm.. but one thing Arician, I dont use a blade.. now your going to teach me to use one?
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 3, 2017 7:46:48 GMT -5
"You have a thousand years to love. Might as well what you can from me while our lifetimes overlap eh?" To which he abouts and raises the point into a relaxed guard
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 3, 2017 8:19:33 GMT -5
*grunts* aye right .. okay *takes his sword and readies it, holding it very awkwardly making a face* and this is exercise?
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 3, 2017 17:41:19 GMT -5
"Any unnatural to the body is exercise. From this fact it is easy enough to learn, grow and stengrhen ones self. Now comeon keep that guard up" Makes a flourish of a few light blows
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 3, 2017 17:59:55 GMT -5
*makes a mocking face as arician speaks* eh.. I know nothing of these things .. nor can i use a sword *blinks putting his guard up awkwardly trying to make a few blows back* isnt my body fine enough to not need exercise?
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 3, 2017 19:36:27 GMT -5
"No form left alone will maintain. For age withers all my friend, in order to remain ready one must practise, train and focus. A lounging wizard quickly becomes a dead one in a fight" *his strikes are obvious and slow enough for ample reaction as he speaks. One hand puffing on his pipe as he does.
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 3, 2017 21:33:06 GMT -5
*holds the lighted, rolled paper in his mouth taking a few puffs off it* eh.. you think Ive been lazy have you? *rolls his eyes under his hood* fecking fine.. then you'll help me focus so i don't give those urges a chance hm.. *seems really bad at holding, let alone swinging a sword as he grumbles* if its so important.. why didn't my clan show me?
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 3, 2017 21:37:44 GMT -5
"Arrogence is the downfall of many. Most believe magic, or any power alone. Makes them invincible. Weather it be arcane, divine, martial or guile. One cannot survive as we must with a single set of skills if they are to be also a recluse."
The swords clang and strike in the quiet afternoon as the grove's folliage gently rustles to their steps.
"What's more. Your clan are hardly a fine example of sense frok what you've suggested"
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 3, 2017 22:47:47 GMT -5
I have no arrogance, Arician.. you most of all people should know that *sigh* if i had such.. i wouldn't disagree with them when they say Im capable. *seems to still be quite horrible at swinging a sword and grunts irritated* Well.. yes I know well enough that my clan wasn't a good example for anything?
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 3, 2017 23:14:39 GMT -5
"I was reffering to the arrogence of your clan Mystogan. You are a shinning example of how the humble learn. Tighten your grip and relax your shoudlers. You're trying to move too much with your upper arms alone" Exhales smoke as he makes a series of effortless blocks
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 4, 2017 10:01:54 GMT -5
yea they are a bunch of arrogant feckers, well were.. And what?.. Humble? *blinks at him* You must be joking? And I am tightening and relaxing arician.. I just cant use a sword... *Tries to tighten his grip swinging at Arician probably trying to do any damage but is failing at such*
Post by hellscream123 on Jul 4, 2017 17:30:52 GMT -5
Males another deft parru "That is why im teacbing you. And yes, humble. It takes a strong spirot ro seek help. An even stronger one to walk so hard a path out of choice. You have done both"
Makes another deft parry and stops the riposte an inch from his chest. "As with all things my friend. You will learn in time. Time you have abundence of"
Old School
I'm Batmage.
Zombies, Skeletons, and Positive Vibes..
Posts: 541
Post by Mysto on Jul 4, 2017 19:33:38 GMT -5
I don't believe.. I've done much Arician eh.. Yea I may not be like them but still.. Them? *Gets frustrated when he puts it to his chest eyeing it*